Friday, November 11, 2005

Amy arrives in Africa (group e-mail from Amy)

Amy wrote an e-mail today (sent 12:30 AM our time 8:30 AM her time) after arriving in Johannesburg:

Hey everyone,
The hotel had free wireless, so I thought I'd jot off a quick email to tell everyone that I'm safe and I made it to Johannesburg just fine. We're in a very nice hotel. It still hasn't quite hit me that I'm in Africa. Maybe it will when we get to Windhoek. We're leaving on a 2:30 flight. I'm doing OK with the jet-lag. Last night it was a struggle to merely keep my eyes open, but I managed to stay awake until 10 o'clock so hopefully I'll adjust pretty fast. Other than that, everything's going well. I got all vaccinated and I don't think I'm having any adverse effects, except a sore left arm (which I nicknamed polio-arm, like tennis-elbow). No side effects from the Larium either. Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I made it here safe and sound. Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and prayers. I might not be very regular with my emails, since access will be harder, but I'll try.

She also posted to her blog:

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