Sunday, April 02, 2006

Daylight Saving Time

Many countries in the northern hemisphere change (or have already changed) to daylight saving time (DST) today for their spring/summer/autumn months. However, very few countries in the southern hemisphere's summer months observe DST. In fact, Namibia is one of only three countries in Africa that observes it. But, since they are now in autumn, they are actually ending DST today and going back to standard time. So, while we "spring forward" one hour; they "fall back" one hour. That means our time difference is now 2 hours shorter than it has been. For us in Minnesota, we were 8 hours behind Namibia, now we are only 6 hours behind them until September 2 when Namibia returns to DST.

See these links for more information on the confusing world of DST and check the link on the right for the current Namibian time.

World map of daylight savings time

About Daylight Savings Time

Worldwide Daylight Savings Time

Interesting and confusing facts about DST, time and time zones

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