Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Swakop, polio, and elephants (email from Amy)

Hey y'all,

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm doing well. I'm in Swakopmund for the all PCV conference. So far no sightings of Brad and Angelina, but there are 99 volunteers so I keep running into more of THEM at every turn. I'm going to buy some nifty stuff that I can't get in Anker (I have to get fabric because the matrons at the school have decided that I need a WINTER traditional dress) and I'll have a full report for you all when I get back. In other news, Namibia has had an outbreak of polio (Don't worry--Peace Corps immunized us against everything except the common cold) and right now has like 50 cases so they're immunizing everyone in the whole country (it's the first time in 10 years that there's been a case.) Not Cool! Anyway, that's the news. Oh, on the way up here we saw 3 elephants not 40 meters away. They were taking a dust bath. I'll send pictures one of these days. I plan to enjoy the ocean, the desert, the shops and I suppose I'll go to a few sessions too :). I left my kids with work to do, I'm just hoping they aren't ripping the books apart or anything. OK- Much love, take care of yourselves

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